Top Pests Found in Northwest Florida

Pests can be quite annoying and they pose a threat to you and your family’s health. Some pests can make their nests in your home and cause severe damage from the inside. TNT Pest Control Inc. specializes in using advanced technology to provide pest control services for both residential and commercial areas. There are 12 pests that have been identified by Pensacola pest control management as the most common pests found in the Northwest Florida region.


Ants are by far the most common of the top 12 pests, which can successfully breed just about anywhere. They invade homes in search for food and a single ant can lead an entire colony right into your home. Ants are social insects and build nests in the ground as well as in the hollows of dead wood, trees, or within wooden or metallic structures.


There are 4 types of termites that can invade your home, including dampwood termites, drywood termites, formosan termite, and subterranean termites. Often called the silent killer, these termites feed on dead plants, trees, and wood and are capable of causing damage to just about every important object in your home, including furniture, closets, shelves, carpets, books, insulation. They can severely damage the foundations of your home. You must seek to Pensacola pest management if your house is infested with termites.


Pensacola insect control is extremely important, with a number of pests found in the region. Roaches have been identified as one of the most predominant insects inhabiting human space. They not only invade homes but also are carriers of certain diseases. They measure 1 inch in length and produce unpleasant odors. Their nesting sites are inside homes because of availability of food, water, and warmth. Without a proper cockroach pest control plan, your home may become their permanent nest!


Spiders are normally found in those residential areas where homes have dampness or dark corners including basement and garage. There are almost 900 species of spiders found in Florida and seven species are most predominant in Pensacola, including Argiope spider, Black Widow Spider, Brown Recluse Spider, Grass Spider, House Spider, Jumping Spider, and Wolf Spider. Some of these spiders like the Black Widow are known to be venomous. Spider pest control management, therefore, becomes indispensable for Pensacola residents.


Fleas are small insects that vary in length from 1/12 to 1/6-inch and are a known parasite that come into human environment through pets like dogs. Fleas are known to feed on humans as well and they are carriers of diseases like tularemia and typhus. You can protect your children and family by opting for a multi-faceted Flea pest control treatment plan.

Rats and Mice

Rats and mice are known to invade residential as well as commercial spaces. Rats transmit fatal diseases, such as plague, and colonize dark places, including wall voids, basement, under water pipes, attics, etc. Mice can reproduce quickly. A proper rats and mice pest control plan can help you fight this extreme pest problem.


Centipedes vary in size from a few millimeters to 30 cm. These inhabit the soil and damp areas or even may thrive under stones and deadwood.


Millipedes are somewhat similar to centipedes and invade homes during the fall. They can survive in moist environment and hence can be found in basements and other moist areas in a home. They live on mulch and dead vegetation and can be quite the pest in your kitchen garden. Millipede pest control is necessary for homes that have a good amount of vegetation as well as moist surroundings.

Mole Crickets

Mole Crickets are lawn pests that can damage the beautiful patch of green grass. They eat the grass below the surface, thus separating it from its roots. As a result, the grass turns brown. In order to eliminate these underground dwellers, you will need the best Mole Cricket pest control plan in place.


Scorpions are known to be the most dangerous pests in a household, as their sting is poisonous. Although the poison is not life threatening, it can cause severe complications in children. Predominant in Northwest Florida, they enter homes and can be found living under floorboards, inside closets or bathroom cabinets. In some cases, they even hide under bed sheets and in shoes. Scorpions live on other pests, and hence the best way to remove them is by removing other pests using Pensacola pest control treatment plans.

Chinch Bugs

Chinch Bugs are found across Florida and feed on turf grass as well as crop plants, such as wheat, sorghum, and corn. These bugs like dry hot conditions and can be found around the driveway or sidewalks. Chinch bug infestations are quite common in Pensacola but with proper Chinch Bug pest control measures, you can save your lawn!


Known as white grubs, they are basically the larva of scarab beetles. They are turf pests feeding on grass roots and tree leaves. Grubs can attract other animals or insects, such as armadillos, moles, and raccoons. Pensacola Grubs pest control treatment plans are essential to get rid of this pest. You can seek services of Pensacola pest management professionals and eliminate pests from your dwelling or living space!